Quick-SASL  0.11.3
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Quick ‘n’ Easy Authentication with SASL

This package "Quick SASL" is useful when adding SASL authentication to a protocol. The extra deliverable "Quick DiaSASL" is an even simpler library to pass through SASL traffic to a central identity node.

We developed Quick-SASL as part of KIP but it deserves to be a general package.

The Quick SASL logic is a gentle wrapper around any SASL implementation, though in practice we have wrapped it around Cyrus-SASL2, and serve client and server sides with an easier API.

The Quick DiaSASL logic opens a TCP socket and delegates SASL packets to and from the central identity node. It uses Quick DER to encode and decode the traffic and adheres to a simple ASN.1 specification.

The protocol with the central identity node is highly portable due to its design, and it resembles Diameter, however without adding the full complexity of a Diameter node. The idea is that the central identity node could be a simple Quick SASL service or it could be a Diameter node. The latter would be capable of conducting Realm Crossover, that is, relying on a remote domain to supply user identity information underneath its domain. Diameter is then used to find and validate the domain part, and considers the remote authoritative for user identities. The resulting identity looks like an email address, is just as globally identifying and may be learnt from any domain offering such support for Realm Crossover. Clients get to Bring Your Own IDentity and do not need an account on every other machine they run into.

The home for this software has moved from the KIP package to a separate Quick-SASL package after we removed the entanglement with a particular mechanism that we designed for Realm Crossover, briefly referred to as SXOVER.

Using Quick-SASL

Quick-SASL depends on:

  • Cyrus-SASL2 – the de-facto implementation of SASL
  • Quick-MEM – a small memory pooling library

To use the qsasl_ functions, you need an include file or two,

#include <arpa2/quick-mem.h>
#include <arpa2/quick-sasl.h>

and a library that would base an implementation on a SASL library, like Cyrus-SASL2, added as

-lquicksasl -lquickmem -lsasl2

That should be all you need. The software is small but potent.

The functions are extensively documented in the include file.

Using Quick-DiaSASL

Quick-DiaSASL replaces authentication with communication; it depends on:

  • Quick-DER including its Quick-DERMEM export – to send and receive ASN.1 formatted messages
  • Quick-MEM – a small memory pooling library

To use the diasasl_ functions, you need a few include files,

#include <arpa2/quick-mem.h>
#include <arpa2/quick-diasasl.h>

and a library that packs the SASL information with the DiaSASL protocol,

-ldiasasl -lquickder -lquickdermem -lquickmem

The list is a bit longer, but consists of very small and very potent code.

The functions are extensively documented in the include file.

Authentication Standard

SASL is the official standard for authentication in IETF protocols. It was introduced to avoid the returning requirement of authentication in pretty much all protocols. SASL is like a generic pipeline; generic towards an application protocol that does not have to know how authentication is done; generic towards authentication mechanisms that do not need to know what application protocol uses them.

In essence, SASL passes generic "tokens" from client to server and back. Along with the first, a "mechanism" is selected by its standardised name. It has not been standardised how the server communicates the mechanisms that the client can choose from, but every protocol contains it in some way.

Bringing SASL to HTTP

The one exception to the success story is the HTTP protocol, which prefers to invent its own mechanisms, and generally does poorly at them. Several mechanisms from SASL have been "manually" built into HTTP, that is such that the application protocol is aware of the authentication method, and this is precisely where the web has gone awry. We are proposing SASL for HTTP and even backend support so you can Bring Your Own IDentity to fix that. It should also mean that passwords can stop to occur in the JavaScript space, where the can run side by side with adverse advertisements. We have a simple demo of HTTP SASL if you are curious.

Pluggable Backends

There are a few implementations of SASL. At least in the open source field we have Cyrus-SASL2, Dovecot SASL and GNU SASL. The idea is that the include file is general (because it aligns with the protocol, which is the same for all implementations) and the underlying SASL implementation is chosen by linking to a library that implements DER SASL on top of one of these drivers.

Look-alike Alternative Implementations

The Quick-SASL library API is designed for easy connection to an application. The image below shows a number of alternatives with (almost) the same API, but different functions.

The Quick-DiaSASL library API is designed for easy integration into existing server software; it can accommodate synchronous, threaded or event-looped operations. Tokens pass through back and forth for sessions identified as strings.

We originally designed Quick-SASL as a pluggable API, but have concluded that there is other pluggability that is perhaps more potent; notably, some servers already allow a selection between implementations (library selection in Postfix; modularly extensible systems like Apache). And when we developed our logic for Diameter, we decided that this was a very good point for routing to a local identity realm or a remote one. We present the original idea below, and mention that Realm Crossover has a highly similar API to Quick-SASL, but sits higher up in our software stack. Variants of Quick SASL allow pluggable servers